Mr. Gary


Mr. Gary

  • Farmer From Kampung Bratan
  • A hardworking farmer
  • Has been involved in the agriculture field for almost a decade

  • Passion
  • Love

Life on a farm is a school of patience; you can’t hurry the crops or make an ox in two days.
Henri Alain

Mr. Gary, a hardworking farmer from Kampung Bratan, located 30 minutes away from Kuching International Airport, has been involved in the agriculture field for almost a decade.

A farmers’ sweat is incomparable. Farmers face different kinds of challenges every day that we do not know of. With squirrels and rat causing damages to the farming goods, Mr. Gipo has to think of an alternative to solve the issue.

Mr. Gary's Farm

Previously, Mr. Gary used to slash and do an open burning to clear the land for his plantations, however; as he is aware that this would impact the environment negatively, he uses a machine to clear the land instead. Mr. Gary plants various kinds of crops such as lemons, pisang kepok, nanas paun, nanas sarikei, pisang keling, pisang emas, and pisang berangan. He owns almost up to 200 lemon trees. Mr. Gary uses the single row planting for the lemons he plants. Single row planting is the most conventional way to plant vegetables. Seeds or plants are set in one row. Rows are arranged in parallel lines. He uses NPK Green and urea as his fertiliser and coin malathion for fungicide. However, some sustainable way of farming will be introduced to Mr. Gary to reduce the use of chemical products in his farm.


His Plan

Mr. Gary plans to sell more bananas and lemons in the nearest future. Customers will be able to order his goods conveniently and directly and can even pay a family daytrip visit tour to his farm, plucking fresh lemon on their own.

Mr. Gary has been handling his farm alone, but his wife and children do help him occasionally if he requires more manpower. There is quite a lot of physical work involved in raising plants intended for food, or in caring for livestock.

His Produces

Help Gary

Little By Little, Little Becomes A lot

“Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens. They are the most vigorous, the most independent, the most virtuous, and they are tied to their country and wedded to its liberty and interests by the most lasting bonds.” ― Thomas Jefferson. We look forward to collaborating and assisting Mr. Gary and his family in sustainable farming and marketing more of his products and attracting more potential customers for his product through Farmily. Stay tuned for more updates on his journey towards sustainability!


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